Can't keep your New Year's resolutions? Try a vision board
The year 2020 is coming to an end and in the particular context it unfolded, the tradition of New Year's resolutions will undoubtedly be more popular than ever. Indeed, many of us will want to hit the reset button and start 2021 with our hearts and minds full of dreams, hopes and projects.
Unfortunately, in the majority of cases, few resolutions last more than one or two months. To quote Alexandre Dumas, Jr.: "Resolutions are like eels; they are easy to catch. The devil is in holding on to them."
So how do you turn wishful thinking into concrete reality? A rather zen and pleasant way to do this is to create a vision board. If you're interested in personal development, you're probably familiar with this term. The vision board is a tool that synthesizes our goals, making it easier to achieve them.
According to neuroscience, our brain does not know the difference between what we imagine and what is real. By using visualization, we "print" images and positive feelings in our subconscious. This helps us materialize them. The greatest athletes, for instance, use mental imagery to succeed in competition.
It’s the same principle with a vision board. The difference is that we use a paper or cardboard support, for example, to illustrate what we want to manifest in our lives.
In short, a vision board is a collage of images and words, which evoke a goal, a desired result, an ultimate dream. The idea is that by providing your subconscious mind with a graphic plan of what you want and need, it will find the means to achieve it. It’s all about the law of attraction, which says that our thoughts create our reality.
You can create a vision board to realise your wishes, whatever they may be: finding a new job, meeting your soulmate, reaching your ideal weight, finding your dream house, reaching a personal or professional goal, etc. The important thing is that what is shown on your collage is within your own responsibility to achieve, and that these wishes take into account the potential repercussions on your loved ones.
How do you make a vision board?
First of all, define your objective by asking yourself: "What exactly do I want?” Your goal should be specific and, most importantly, it should be formulated in a positive way - i.e., what you want rather than what you don't want. Also ask yourself what accomplishing this project will do for you and why it’s important to you. Make sure you believe in it and, above all, sincerely believe that you deserve to have your wish come true.
Once you know what you want, you're ready to take action!
Collect a stack of old magazines - the more varied the selection, the better.
Create a calm and warm atmosphere that is conducive to internalization. Then flip through the magazines, cutting out the images that interest and attract you, in line with your objective. Try not to think too much about it and let the images guide you.
Stick these images on a large sheet of cardboard or paper. You can also include a picture of yourself (ideally in the centre of the collage) and any sentences, words or quotes that inspire you.
Place your collage where you can see it regularly, in front of your desk, in your bedroom or in the kitchen, for example. Then trust the power of attraction of your creation, which will serve as a guide for your subconscious.
So if there is something you've always wanted - try doing a visualization board. But beware: your dreams may come true!