My services


NLP Coaching


Coaching is a support and development process, geared towards solutions and action. Using a range of techniques, coaching aims to release and activate the full potential of the person being coached by focusing on precise personal and/or professional objectives, centred on the individual’s strengths and deep motivations and turned towards the future.

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"NLP" is the acronym for "Neuro-Linguistic Programming". It is an approach, created in the United States in the 1970s, which focuses on human behaviour and communication. NLP offers a series of tools and techniques for personal and professional development. It focuses on solutions rather than the origin of problems. and aims, above all, to mobilize the resources of our unconscious mind. These resources are made up of forgotten experiences or knowledge, skills and gifts that are still untapped and just waiting to be expressed... 

P. for Programming:
This word refers to all of our "programmes" - our patterns, habits, automatisms, ways of thinking, feeling and behaving, which we have developed throughout our lives.

N. for Neuro:
In reference to neurons, because our experiences are filtered and processed by our central nervous system, through our sensory perceptions.

L. for Linguistic:
Linked to language. Whether verbal or non-verbal, it’s what allows us to communicate and structure our thinking and the way we represent reality (our "world map").

Some applications of NLP coaching:

  • Achieving professional and personal goals

  • Rediscovering your "X", purpose or life mission

  • Identifying limiting beliefs and transforming them into possibilities

  • Breaking patterns

  • Managing conflict and change

  • Acquiring new and more satisfying behaviours

  • Improving your communication skills and interpersonal relations

  • Developing/improving your leadership

  • Making a career transition

  • Mobilizing your teams

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Humanist hypnosis

Unlike most types of hypnosis, which lead the hypnotized person into a state of unconsciousness (where the person is asleep or numb), humanist hypnosis leads to a state of "heightened consciousness".

Concretely, the person will feel even more conscious and alert than usual, while feeling a state of physical and mental relaxation. With this increased level of alertness, the person remains in full control and acts on his or her own problems, while the hypnotherapist acts only as a guide and teacher.

Humanist hypnosis enhances the benefits of coaching by acting as an accelerator of change. It is the bridge between the conscious and the unconscious. This makes it a wonderful tool for personal development.

Some applications of humanist hypnosis:

  • Overcoming fears

  • Developing your self-confidence or self-esteem

  • Maximizing your potential

  • Managing emotions better

  • Getting back into shape

  • Improving your well-being and quality of life

  • Preparing for an exam or improving concentration

  • Alleviating grief or a separation

  • Improving interpersonal or couple relationships

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